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State of Wellbeing

Looking at the body systems with a new perspective

45 min
From 95 US dollars
Virtual via Zoom

Service Description

There are three primary things that I help people understand: 1. Separating fact from fiction 2. How you are managing your energy: what are you saying yes to, no to, and how that is aligned 3. Your wellbeing: I have an ability to measure someone's immune system. I am in constant seeing of the state of wellness of a person. The constitutional affirmation is the first step to establish a state of wellbeing. This is the lightest offering, a beautiful entry into this work of knowing, and also can be one of the deepest. We all know that intellectually our bodies hold pieces of history and are mirrors of our experience. Things get buried, wires get crossed, and honestly, we hold onto shit (whether figurative or literal). Sometimes these recommendations are nutrition, and sometimes is practice-based. No matter what, you will receive the information that will be nutritive, physically based, somewhere to begin uncrossing the wires, could be a journal exercise or a dream question. Of the three primary things that I help people understand, the constitutional affirmation is born of my ability to measure someone's immune system and overall wellness. This process is not a scan, but more a Shamanic seeing into what pieces of ourselves need tuning up to stay in attunement. This offering is a combination of both deep seeing, assessment, and recommendations that might be physical, practice-based, nutritional, or medicinal. This is less mind, and more metabolic and how that is connected to the spirit/energetic body. What you will experience is consensual peering in- a looking, allowing to be seen, along with recommendations for alleviating systems or improving consitution. You will come out with recommendation for practices that could be physical practice or nutrition-based, herbal or other practice to alleviate symptons and improve constitution.

Cancellation Policy

Things happen, and I will do my best to align with what arises. Cancellations within 48 hours can be rescheduled with no fees associated. Cancellations within 48 hours will be rescheduled at the discretion of my calendar and space capacities.

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